Unity Products:Amplify Shader Editor/If Community

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If [Community] Node

The If [Community] node compares two float inputs A and B and outputs a value from on one of its inputs A > B , A == B or A < B according to the comparison result.

Node Parameter Description Default Value
A First value of the comparison operation. Only visible if the respective input port is not connected. 0
B Second value of the comparison operation. Only visible if the respective input port is not connected. 0
A > B Value to be outputted if value of A is greater than value of B. Only visible if the respective input port is not connected. 0
A == B Value to be outputted if value of A is equal to value of B. Only visible if the respective input port is not connected. 0
A < B Value to be outputted if value of A is less than value of B. Only visible if the respective input port is not connected. 0
Equal Threshold Value used on the equality test to define a comparison threshold and prevent precision errors. Only visible if the respective input port is not connected. 0
Input Port Description Type
A First value of the comparison operation. Float
B Second value of the comparison operation. Float
A > B Value to be outputted if value of A is greater than value of B. Float [1]
A == B Value to be outputted if value of A is equal to value of B. Float [1]
A < B Value to be outputted if value of A is less than value of B. Float [1]
Equal Threshold Value used on the equality test to define a comparison threshold and prevent precision errors. Float [1]

  1. ^ Port automatically adapts to all connection types except Sampler types.

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