Unity Products:Amplify Shader Editor/World Reflection

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World Reflection Node

The World Reflection node outputs the reflection result(R) in world coordinates of the camera view vector(V) by the surface normal(N) and is calculated via the following expression R = V - 2 x (V . N) x N.

A reflection based on a per pixel normal map can also be calculated by connecting it to the Normal input port.

This node is commonly used alongside cubemaps to create environment mapping effects.

Nodes used: Texture Sample, World Reflection

Node Parameter Description Default Value
Normalize If toggled on, forces a Normalize operation over the world reflection vector. Off
Input Port Description Type
Normal Normal vector in tangent space, if left unconnected uses unperturbed surface normal vector. Float3
Output Port Description Type
XYZ Returns the reflection vector in world space Float3
X Returns only the X component of the world reflection vector Float
Y Returns only the Y component of the world reflection vector Float
Z Returns only the Z component of the world reflection vector Float

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