Unity Products:Amplify Shader Editor/Texture Object

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Texture Object Node

The Texture Object node serves as a reference to a texture that can be sampled by several Texture Sample nodes. Instead needlessly duplicating textures, you can use one of these nodes to reference it directly. Another use for it would be to pass the reference of a texture inside a shader function.

NOTE: If there's need to use a Parallax Occlusion Mapping node with texture array support a Texture Object node is required and it's Auto-Cast Mode must be locked to Texture 2D Array.

Nodes used: Texture Object, Vertex Normal, Texture Sample, Float, Scale And Offset

Node Parameter Description Default Value
Type A set of ways the value behaves in different situations.
  • Property: the value becomes available in the properties of the material that uses the shader and can be changed in the material inspector or by script.
  • Global: the value can only be set by script and this defines a static variable that is shared between all shaders that use it. It's useful to change a value globally.
Name Name of the property holding the value. This is the name that will be shown in the material properties label, useful for organization purposes or to generate a Property Name. Texture #
Property Name This is the variable name that contains the value, this is automatically generated using the Name parameter, it's greyed out and not editable. The generation process removes special characters, whitespaces and adds an underscore at the beginning ( ie: "My Property Name" becomes "_MyPropertyName" ). Not editable to indicate what's the variable name to use when editing this value by script. _Texture#
Default Texture This is a fallback texture value that will be used if the default value is not set.
  • White: Uses Unity's built-in white texture. RGBA( 1, 1, 1, 1).
  • Black: Uses Unity's built-in black texture. RGBA( 0, 0, 0, 0).
  • Gray: Uses Unity's built-in gray texture. RGBA( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5).
  • Bump: Uses Unity's built-in bump texture. RGBA( 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.5).
Auto-Cast Mode This option makes the node either adjust automatically from the input texture provided or lock it to a specific type
  • Auto: Detects and uses any type of texture changing input ports accordingly.
  • Locked To Texture 1D: Locks to only accept 1D textures (in unity these are actually normal 2D textures)
  • Locked To Texture 2D: Locks to only accept regular 2D textures
  • Locked To Texture 3D: Locks to only accept 3D textures
  • Locked To Cube: Locks to only accept Cube map textures
  • Locked To Texture 2D Array: Locks to only accept Texture2DArray asset files
Default Value This is the value the shader currently holds. It's also the default value that is used when a new material is created with this shader. None
Other Parameters
Material Value This is the value the node the material currently holds. Only visible if the editor is open in material mode. None
Attributes This group allows adding material property attributes that changes the visual and behavior of the property accordingly to the selected attribute. They can be dynamically added or removed with the plus and minus buttons.
  • Hide in Inspector: The property is created but tells the material inspector to not draw it.
  • HDR: Marks the property as being an HDR element that accepts linear values outside of the [0,1] range and warns the user when the selected property is not supported.
  • Gamma: Indicates that a property is specified as sRGB value, and possibly needs conversion according to color space used.
  • Per Rendered Data: Indicates that a property will be coming from per-renderer data in the form of a MaterialPropertyBlock. Material inspector changes the texture slot UI for these properties.
  • No Scale Offset: Hides the scale and offset value properties besides a texture property and if ASE custom material inspector is being used it will also turn it into a mini thumbnail texture property.
  • Normal: Tells the inspector to expect the texture property to be a normal map which warns the user when that's not the case.
  • Single Line Texture: Texture property is represented by a smaller one line UI over the material inspector ( Tiling and Offset are not shown )
  • Custom: Allows adding custom attributes directly on a textfield

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