Unity Products:Amplify Shader Editor/Object To Clip Pos

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Object To Clip Pos Node

The Object To Clip Pos node transforms a position in object/local space to the camera’s clip space in homogeneous coordinates.
NOTE 1: Please notice that clip space coordinates differ between Direct3D-like and OpenGL-like platforms.

  • Direct3D-like ( Direct3D, Metal and consoles ): Clip space depth ranges from 0.0 at the near plane to +1.0 at the far plane.
  • OpenGL-like ( OpenGL and OpenGL ES ): Clip space depth ranges from –1.0 at the near plane to +1.0 at the far plane.

NOTE 2: We advise using either the Transform Position or Transform Direction as they are both more completes node that allow multiple transform setups.

Nodes used: Vertex Position, Object To Clip Pos, Compute Grab Screen Pos, Float, Texture Sample, Add, Grab Screen Color

Node Parameter Description Default Value
Input Position in Object/Local space to be transformed into camera clip space. Only visible if the respective input port is not connected. 0,0,0
Input Port Description Type
Input Position in Object/Local space to be transformed into camera clip space. Float3
Output Port Description Type
XYZW Returns the transformed position in clip space. Float4
X Returns only the X component of the transformed position in clip space. Float
Y Returns only the Y component of the transformed position in clip space. Float
Z Returns only the Z component of the transformed position in clip space. Float
W Returns only the W component of the transformed position in clip space. Float

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